UEFS is also affiliated to the ABRUEM (Brazilian Association of Rectors of Provincial and Municipal Universities), an entity created in 1991, which is one of the most important in Brazilian and Latin American Higher Education. Abruem intends to permanently deepen the discussion of themes relevant to the Higher Education agenda, always wishing to harmonize teaching, research, community services, innovation and international cooperation.
Abruem is also an advocate for the cause of internationalization, annually developing many actions involving educational missions to other countries, scientific cooperation agreements, diplomatic meetings and much more. Abruem acts on behalf of society, especially in the neediest regions and with those sections of the population that most need the support of the state and municipal systems of Higher Education.
Affiliated to ABRUEM, UEFS is part of the Internationalization and Academic Mobility Chamber.

Home page: http://www.abruem.org.br/